Ari + Ian – Midwest Love Session

The midwest can be a magical place. The lush forests and sunsets that last all evening long are the kind of thing souls are made of. We live in a state that flies under the radar but can look like the Red River Gorge in Kentucky, the hills of Pennsylvania or the wide open spaces of the Great Plains if you let it. Mitch and I have been inspired by the beautiful darkness of the forest just after the sun slips below the sky. We don’t get to play in the dark as often as we should, so we asked two beautiful lovers to join us.
Arianna is the lovely talent behind Arianna Marie Photography and Ian is her heart. After loved ones suggested they meet, they fell for each other during long distance chats while Ian was serving in Hati. Their hearts are big and full, so much so you can see it on their faces.
FILED IN: Engagements